Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Planned Parenthood Rallying Against Romney Ahead of Debate ...

by Steven Ertelt | Wash?ing?ton, DC | LifeNews.com | 10/1/12 4:44?PM

The Planned Par?ent?hood abor?tion busi?ness, which has already started sink?ing mil?lions into sup?port?ing Pres?i?dent Barack Obama?s re-election cam?paign, will be ral?ly?ing in Den?ver, Col?orado tomor?row and Wednes?day ahead of the Wednes?day night debate.

Planned Par?ent?hood Action Fund (PPAF) and Planned Par?ent?hood Votes (PPVotes) are behind a num?ber of anti-Romney activ?i?ties designed to raise sup?port from Colorado-based pro-abortion activists in advance of the debate, which will focus on social issues.

Accord?ing to a press state?ment Planned Par?ent?hood sent out, the cam?paign will con?tinue to attack Rom?ney on women?s health issues???even though Rom?ney strongly sup?ports women?s health ini?tia?tives. The dis?agree?ment comes over abor?tion and fund?ing the abor?tion busi?ness, which Planned Par?ent?hood barely mentions.

The Action Fund will hold a rally in Den?ver on Tues?day and Planned Par?ent?hood Votes will run a series of ads tar?get?ing Col?orado vot?ers span?ning TV, mobile, and online. The blitz is part of a wide, sweep?ing cam?paign to mobi?lize vot?ers to ?Ask Mitt? about his domes?tic pol?icy posi?tions, which would have real con?se?quences for women, women?s health and women?s eco?nomic security.

The cen?ter?piece of the cam?paign is ?Ask Mitt????an online voter engage?ment cam?paign that has already gen?er?ated thou?sands of sub?mis?sions via twit?ter and through the web?site http://www.ask-mitt.com. In the days lead?ing up to the debate, sup?port?ers are being asked to vote for their favorite ?Ask Mitt? questions

Addi?tion?ally, the groups are rolling out the fol?low?ing in Denver:

  • an Action Fund ?Ask Mitt? rally for women?s health on Tues?day, Octo?ber 2, with Planned Par?ent?hood Action Fund pres?i?dent, Cecile Richards;
  • a new 30-second ad, ?Ask Mitt,? from PPVotes on local Col?orado tele?vi?sion, that you can view here: http://youtu.be/GjZcbFml9JE;
  • two Planned Par?ent?hood Votes geo-targeted ?Ask Mitt? 15-second mobile / tablet ads tar?get?ing Col?orado vot?ers, that you can view here: http://youtu.be/emFT0ao-ANU, and here: http://youtu.be/8oewPkpgQJo;
  • takeover ?Ask Mitt? Planned Par?ent?hood Votes adver?tis?ing on the pol?i?tics sec?tion of the Den?ver Post online all day Tues?day and Wednes?day of next?week;
  • and an ?Ask Mitt? giant mov?able chalk?board where pedes?tri?ans can paint their ques?tions that will be placed around dif?fer?ent loca?tions in Den?ver in the days lead?ing up to the debate.

?There?s no ques?tion that women?s health will play an impor?tant role in the elec?tion this year???which is why Planned Par?ent?hood Action Fund is focused on edu?cat?ing vot?ers about the dan?gers of Mitt Rom?ney and mobi?liz?ing them to have their voices heard,? said Dawn Laguens, exec?u?tive vice pres?i?dent, Planned Par?ent?hood Action Fund.

After attack?ing Rom?ney on legit?i?mate women?s health issues, Planned Par?ent?hood finally notes the dif?fer?ences on abortion:

Mitt Rom?ney and Paul Ryan have vowed to over?turn Roe v. Wade and end safe and legal abor?tion; have said they sup?port extreme ?per?son?hood? mea?sures that would give full con?sti?tu?tional rights to fer?til?ized eggs; would defund Planned Parenthood?

Arti?cle source: LifeNews.com http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/lifenews/newsfeed/~3/KNdmJl4u9UU/

Tags: Planned Parenthood, Political, Prolife

Source: http://empowershop.net/planned-parenthood-rallying-against-romney-ahead-of-debate-9504.htm

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