Friday, September 14, 2012

Experts Discuss Making Direct Mail Work | Deliver Magazine

?How do you make direct mail work for you??

Illustrated headshot of Louanne AllisonSmall Business ? Louanne Allison
Independent Distributor, LIFE Business

I subscribe to SendOutCards,which I use to keep in touch with my customers and prospects. As part of a promotion, I received two free cards. I sent one to a couple who was referred to me. Upon receiving my card, they called me, just to chat, but also gave me two new referrals ? which I closed business on. I?ve noticed that when I slow down on sending out cards, my business slows down, too. I am happy I have that subscription. Staying connected through the mail definitely makes a difference.


Illustrated headshot of Pam PerryMedium Business ? Pam Perry
President and CEO, Pam Perry PR

We met with a new media consultant who needed a way to set himself apart in the marketplace. His prospects were being flooded with spam e-mails and telephone calls promising instant web rankings at cheap rates. Our client was a consultant specializing in local search marketing. We recommended mailing an informative newsletter to a targeted list of prospects with a free instructional video offer. It worked. The educational marketing approach positioned him as the local authority and tripled his business in five months.


Illustrated headshot of Ken BenshishLarge Business ? Ken Benshish
Director, iSchool of Music & Art

We do two types of mailings. The first hits every household in our target market. The second is a much smaller, follow-up mailing with very specific demographic requirements. Direct mail marketing is what works best for us. Each direct mail campaign gains our business approximately 90 new students per year.? Each of these students will typically spend $5,000 over five years, and when you multiply that by 90 students, our ROI turns out to be a truly significant number. Needless to say, we?re extremely pleased with our return from direct mail marketing.


Large Business, Marketing Tips, Medium Business, Opinion, Printing, Prospecting, Small Business, Targeting


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