Tuesday, July 24, 2012

International Antiviral Society-USA Calls For Treatment For All Who ...

| By Kaiser GH Update

?An international group of scientists on Sunday called for all adults who test positive for HIV to be treated with antiretroviral drugs right away rather than waiting for their immune systems to weaken,? Agence France-Presse reports. The guidelines, issued by the International Antiviral Society-USA, ?are based on new trial data and drug regimens that have become available in the last two years which warrant an ?update to guidelines for antiretroviral treatment in HIV-infected adults in resource-rich settings,?? the news agency writes (7/22). ?In addition, data have shown that suppressing HIV reduces the risk of an infected person passing the virus to another person,? according to Reuters. The guidelines, which ?echo those issued in March by the U.S.

Original post:
International Antiviral Society-USA Calls For Treatment For All Who Test?

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Posted by Kaiser GH Update on Jul 23 2012. Filed under Aid, Kaiser's Global Health Update. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response or trackback to this entry

Source: http://www.globalhealthhub.org/2012/07/23/international-antiviral-society-usa-calls-for-treatment-for-all-who-test/

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